My Mini Monster ;-)
My Mini Monster ;-)

I asked Sulu to look "scary" for this photo. He tried hard. :-) 

Sulu Reads Again :-)
Sulu Reads Again :-)

Sulu likes books. Especially spooky books. 

Sulu Cat enjoys a seasonal read. :-)
Sulu Cat enjoys a seasonal read. :-)

Sulu is rescue cat I adopted from the local cat shelter in April. He and I are very happy togther. It helps that we both love books. #lovematch

k9i8i iiiiiiiiiiii++ 


(That last bit was Sulu's contribution. He likes to type when I do.)

Halloween Reading
Halloween Reading

 This is my kitty Sulu. He's a rescue cat I adopted from the shelter.


(Art by Hanna-Riikka)

Is this cat seeing a ghostie, is he spooked by the story in the book, or has he inhaled too much catnip? ;-)
Is this cat seeing a ghostie, is he spooked by the story in the book, or has he inhaled too much catnip? ;-)

(art by Srijit)

:-) Dear Sulu Cat

No, you can't enter the BookLikes giveaway. I know you adore books, but this is for humans only. 

Horror Fiction Fan.
Horror Fiction Fan.

(artwork by Srijit)

(illustration by defcon7a)

(illustration by Srijit)

Kitty ambitions. ;-)
Kitty ambitions. ;-)

(Illustration by shruti)

My inquisitive cat, Sulu
My inquisitive cat, Sulu
If Herman Melville used Twitter... ;-)
If Herman Melville used Twitter... ;-)
Twitter for Writers (Writer's Craft) (Volume 8) - Rayne Hall

(Art by Hanna-Riikka)